====== Pagelist Plugin ====== The [[doku>plugin:pagelist|Pagelist Plugin]] -- as its name says -- lists wiki pages in a nice way. ===== Syntax ===== Just wrap a regular unordered list of internal links with the ''%%%%'' tag: * [[..:blog:|Blog Plugin]] * [[..:discussion:|Discussion Plugin]] * [[..:editor:|Editor Plugin]] * [[..:tag:|Tag Plugin]] * [[..:wrap|Wrap Plugin|This is shown in the description cell]] ^ [flags] | flags can be used to alter the appearance of the pagelist, see [[#flags]] | optional | ==== Flags ==== ^ Setting ^ Default ^^ Alternative ^^ | ''style'' ^ ''default'' | table with horizontal lines ^ ''table'', ''list'' or ''simplelist'' | standard DokuWiki table or list style | | ''showheader'' ^ ''noheader'' | hide the heading row of the pagelist table ^ ''header'' | show the header | | ''showdate'' ^ ''date'' | show the creation or last modification date ^ ''nodate'' | hide the date | | ''showuser'' ^ ''user'' | show creator or contributors ^ ''nouser'' | hide the user | | ''showdesc'' ^ ''nodesc'' | hide the description ^ ''desc'' | show the description (from metadata) | | ''showcomments'' ^ ''nocomments'' | hide the number of comments ^ ''comments'' | show the number of comments (if [[discussion|Discussion Plugin]] is installed) | | ''showtags'' ^ ''notags'' | hide the tags ^ ''tags'' | show the tags (if [[tag|Tag Plugin]] is installed) | | ''showfirsthl'' ^ ''firsthl'' | show the first headline ^ ''nofirsthl'' | show the page name | | ''rsort/sort'' ^ ''nosort'' | no sortation of pages ^ ''rsort/sort'' | sorts the pages (reverse) alphabetically by pagename | ==== Example ==== ... This will show a list of pages with a header line and a comments column (if the [[doku>plugin:discussion|Discussion Plugin]] is installed). ===== Configuration ===== The plugin can be configured using the DokuWiki configuration manager available in the admin menu. The settings also apply to plugins which use the helper component of the pagelist plugin, like for example the archive component of the [[doku>plugin:blog]] plugin. ^ ''style'' | List style (default, list, table) | ^ ''showheader'' | Show table header | ^ ''showdate'' | Shows/hides the date column (hide, creation date, modification date) | ^ ''showuser'' | Shows/hides the user column (hide, creator, contributors) | ^ ''showdesc'' | Shows/hides a short description taken from the first paragraph of a page (hide, max. 160 characters, max. 500 characters) | ^ ''showcomments'' | Shows/hides comments of a page (requires the [[doku>plugin:discussion]] plugin) | ^ ''showlinkbacks'' | Shows/hides linkbacks of a page (requires the [[http://foosel.org/snippets/dokuwiki/linkback|linkback]] plugin) | ^ ''showtags'' | Shows/hides tags of a page (requires the [[doku>plugin:tag]] plugin) | ^ ''sort'' | Sorts the pages alphabetically by pagename |