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Wrap Plugin

Universal plugin which combines the functionality of many other plugins. Wrap wiki text inside containers (divs or spans) and give them a class (choose from a variety of preset classes), a width and/or a language with its associated text direction.

One plugin to rule them all

This plugin gives you the ability to wrap wiki text inside containers (divs or spans) and give them

  1. a certain class (with loads of useful preset classes)
  2. a width
  3. a language with its associated text direction

It potentially replaces a lot of other plugins and is IMHO the better alternative for many. There is one exception: It currently lacks ODT support. If you need ODT support, you might want to take a look at similar plugins.

It fully replaces: plugin:class, plugin:divalign, plugin:div_span_shorthand, plugin:side_note, plugin:tip, plugin:clearfloat, plugin:emphasis, plugin:hide, plugin:hilited, plugin:important_paragraf, plugin:important_text, plugin:noprint, plugin:pagebreak, plugin:wpre, plugin:lang, plugin:ltr
It partly replaces: plugin:box, plugin:layout, plugin:note, plugin:styler, plugin:typography, plugin:color, plugin:columns, plugin:fontcolor, plugin:fontfamily, plugin:fontsize, plugin:fontsize2, plugin:highlight, plugin:tab, plugin:tablewidth


The plugin comes with an example page, which should explain a lot and looks like this in the default template:


Basic Syntax:

<WRAP classes width :language>
"big" content

<block classes width :language>
"big" content

<div classes width :language>
"big" content

An uppercase <WRAP> (or alternatively <block> or <div>) creates a div and should be used for “big” containers, surrounding paragraphs, lists, tables, etc.

<wrap classes width :language>"small" content</wrap>

<inline classes width :language>"small" content</inline>

<span classes width :language>"small" content</span>

A lowercase <wrap> (or alternatively <inline> or <span>) creates a span and should be used for “small” containers, inside paragraphs, lists, tables, etc.

:!: Please note, some things won't work with spans: alignments (including alignments generated by changing the text direction), multi-columns and widths if the according wrap isn't floated as well.


The following classes are currently available:

class namedescription/notes
columns – similar to columns, side_note, styler, tip
column same as left in LTR languages and same as right in RTL languages
left same as column, will let you float your container on the left
right will let the container float right
center will position the container in the horizontal center of the page
col2..col5 will show the text in multiple columns (2, 3, 4 or 5), only works in modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome and Safari)
alignments – similar to divalign, columns, styler:!: don't work with spans!
leftalign aligns text on the left
rightalign aligns text on the right
centeralign centers the text
justify justifies the text
boxes and notes – similar to box, note, tip
box creates a box around the container (uses colours from style.ini)
info (was information in first version) creates a blue box with an info icon
important creates an orange box with an important icon
alert (:!: was warning in previous versions) creates a red box with a alert icon
tip creates a yellow box with a tip icon
help creates a violet box with a help icon
todo creates a cyan box with an todo icon
download creates a green box with a download icon
round adds rounded corners to any container with a background colour or a border (only works in modern browsers, i.e. no IE)
danger creates a red danger safety note
warning creates an orange warning safety note
caution creates a yellow caution safety note
notice creates a blue notice safety note
safety creates a green safety note
marks – similar to hilited, emphasis, important_paragraf, important_text
hi marks text as highlighted
lo marks text as less significant
em marks text as especially emphasised
typography (not recommended) – similar to typography, styler, color, fontcolor, highlight, fontsize, fontsize2, fontfamily
:!: removed since version 2011-05-15 (for more information, see below)
sansserif, serif, monospace changes the font family
bigger, muchbigger, smaller changes the font size
fgred, fggreen, fgblue, fgcyan, fgviolet, fgyellow, fggrey, fgwhite, fgblack changes the font colour
bgred, bggreen, bgblue, bgcyan, bgviolet, bgyellow, bggrey, bgwhite, bgblack changes the background colour
clear similar to clearfloat, should preferably be used with divs, i.e. uppercase <WRAP>s
hide hides the text per CSS (the text will still appear in the source code, in non-modern browsers and is searchable)
noprint displays text on the screen, but not in print, similar to noprint
onlyprint displays text only in print, but not on the screen
pagebreak forces a new page in printouts (not visible on the screen), similar to pagebreak
nopagebreak tries to avoid a pagebreak in printouts (not visible on the screen)
spoiler shows white text on a white background, only to be revealed by highlighting it; similar to hide
indent indents the text, could be used instead of tab
outdent “outdents” the text, could partly be used instead of outdent
prewrap wraps text inside pre-formatted code blocks, similar to wpre

All tables inside a column or box will always be 100% wide. This makes positioning and sizing tables possible and partly replaces tablewidth.

Known restrictions

  • WRAPs won't export in ODT format
  • The PNG icons for the various notes have an alpha transparency which will look ugly in IE6.
  • Round corners only work in modern browsers (no IE).
  • Multiple columns only work in Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
  • After an opening <WRAP> there is one empty line needed before the content, or else there won't be any paragraph, which might lead to unexpected results. (Wraps without a visible content don't need any additional empty lines, e.g. clear or hide.) :!: This was fixed in the latest version (2010-11-20) if used with Anteater.
  • Normal DokuWiki Headlines won't work inside any plugin syntax. As a work-around you can use the following two emulated headlines inside any of the columns or boxes/notes:
    • //**__Big Underlined Headline__**// (They will look a bit different in safety notes.)
    • //**Small Headline**//

You probably need to adjust a few of the classes to your template's needs, especially hi, lo and em if you have a dark or otherwise heavily coloured theme.

The classes are easily adjustable and extensible. Any wishes are welcome.


You can set any valid widths on any uppercase <WRAP> container: %, px, em, ex, pt, pc, cm, mm, in. Just set the width before or after or with the classes, e.g.

<WRAP someclass 50% anotherclass>...

Languages and Text Directions

You can change the language and the direction of a container by simply adding a colon followed by the language code, like this:

<wrap :en>This text is explicitly marked as English.</wrap>

The text direction (rtl, right to left or ltr, left to right) will get inserted automatically and is solely dependent on the language. The list of currently supported languages is taken from:

If you like to mark a text with a different text direction than the default one, you should use divs, i.e. uppercase <WRAP>s. Otherwise the text alignment won't change as well.

This makes it a better replacement of ltr (and lang).

Extend with custom styles

If you like to add your own classes and styles to the plugin, you can simply add the styles for your class preceded by “wrap_” to your user styles.

E.g. if you need a <WRAP myclass>, you edit (or create if it doesn't exist) your conf/userstyle.css and add your .wrap_myclass{} with its style definitions to it. (If necessary, edit conf/userprint.css1) for the print view, conf/userrtl.css2) for RTL languages and conf/userall.css3) for all styles as well.)

Since version 2010-03-14 you have the possibility to exclude certain class names from being prefixed with “wrap_”. Just add a comma separated list of class names into the config option “noPrefix” in the configuration manager.


in style.css

.dokuwiki div.wrap_note{ /* added */
    background-color: #eee;
    color: #000;
    padding: .5em .5em .5em .5em;
    margin-bottom: 1em;
    overflow: hidden;

call in DW-page:

<WRAP note>...</WRAP>

Add former typography classes

The old typography classes were removed in version 2011-05-15. If you need something similar, use the block plugin instead. If you like to have the old typography classes back, they are not lost: They were not completely removed yet, but only put in a comment. To keep using them either remove the comments (search for “typography” in all.css and style.css). Or better (because future-proof) copy them to your own user styles (see above).

How to use the helper

From version 2011-05-15 on the plugin includes a helper plugin which you can use to add classes, width and lang/dir to any other plugin.

Example how to get just one kind of attribute

// get lang from wrap helper plugin
$lang = '';
if(!plugin_isdisabled('wrap')) {
    $wrap =& plugin_load('helper', 'wrap');
    $attr = $wrap->getAttributes($data);
    if($attr['dir']) $lang = ' lang="'.$attr['lang'].'" xml:lang="'.$attr['lang'].'" dir="'.$attr['dir'].'"';
// add lang to your plugin's output
$renderer->doc .= '<span '.$lang.' class="foo">';

getAttributes() expects the string with “classes width :language”. It returns an array with

  • $attr['class']: CSS class(es)
  • $attr['width']: width
  • $attr['lang'] and $attr['dir']: language and text direction

Example how to get all attributes

// get attributes from wrap helper plugin
$attr = '';
if(!plugin_isdisabled('wrap')) {
    $wrap =& plugin_load('helper', 'wrap');
    $attr = $wrap->buildAttributes($data, 'additionalClass');
// add those attributes to your plugin's output
$renderer->doc .= '<div '.$attr.'">';

buildAttributes() expects the same string as above (“classes width :language”) and an optional string for additional classes, in case your plugin has CSS classes of its own which it needs to reuse. It returns a string with all the attributes prepared for HTML.



To Do

  • ODT support
  • and more …


You can help me with translations. There are two files to translate:

You can either send me language files to update by email or post them here or in the bugtracker. Please have a look at the available translations first.



Before reporting any issues (bugs or requests), please first take a look at the FAQ on plugin problems.

You can report any issues either on the Issue Tracker or here in this section.

Problems in some templates

I've just made the CSS work properly with some custom themes using the git master branch, eg one of my own and typo. the trick is to remove all the .dokuwiki in the different classes with a

perl -pi -e 's/\.dokuwiki//g' *.css

Nicolas Thauvin 2009/09/09 23:22

Templates should use the .dokuwiki class and many already do (as does the typo template). See more on the dokuwiki class. — Anika Henke 2009/09/18 00:37

Quotation Box

Wouldn't it be nice to add quotation box, too …
- chris

Yes, I thought about that, too. But as the blockquote plugin would be semantically much more correct, I recommend using that instead. — Anika Henke 2009/09/18 00:37


Incredibly useful multipurpose plugin I must say. Thanks for that“ Looking forward to intended ODT compatibility.
Martin 2009/09/14 23:22

Align Issues

<WRAP centeralign>

<WRAP info 60%>

This is some text, text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text ,
text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text , text


The result is the text of the info note is centered. If I use leftalign it aligns the whole box left. How do I get the box text to be left aligned and screen centered? peterennis [at] yahoo [dot] com

To position something you shouldn't use an alignment class, but one of the column classes. In this case it's “center” instead of “centeralign”. (And whenever you use “center” you should also give a width.) If you only want the info box to be centred, you can use <WRAP center info 60%>, and the image could be centred by using the normal DokuWiki syntax. — Anika Henke 2009/10/07 07:47

Empty Paragraph

Like using tab-plugin in some places (perhaps tables)

I sometimes need space above or below a paragraph. Fed up fiddling with HTML, PHP methods so I just use . (dot)
Of course, it shows a dot! Is there an easy solution? peterennis [at] yahoo [dot] com
The best way would be to add your own classes. In this case you could use something like ”topspace“ and ”bottomspace“ and add
.dokuwiki .wrap_topspace { margin-top: 1.5em; }
.dokuwiki .wrap_bottomspace { margin-bottom: 1.5em; }

etc. But this depends highly on your template and in which combination you will use those classes. Just fiddle around with the values to change their effect. (And from the semantic point of view you should probably ask yourself why and if you need that space and find a better name if you find a common usage pattern.) — Anika Henke 2009/10/07 08:05

I think too it depent on your template and the combination of classes. Testing with following code I could find something working for me.

css try differend combinations of height, margin, padding and line-height. The colors are only to see the effect. (%, px, em, ex, pt, pc, cm, mm, in):

div.wrap_testing { width: 100%;                                        border: 2px solid yellow; }
div.wrap_empty1  { width: 100%; height: 2em;                           border: 2px solid red; }
div.wrap_empty2  { width: 100%; margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 2em;   border: 2px solid violet; }
div.wrap_empty3  { width: 100%; padding-top: 2em; padding-bottom: 2em; border: 2px solid blue; }
div.wrap_empty4  { width: 100%; line-height: 2em;                      border: 2px solid green;  }


<div testing>  <div empty1></div>  </div>
<div testing>  <div empty2></div>  </div>
<div testing>  <div empty3></div>  </div>
<div testing>  <div empty4></div>  </div>

Non-valid CSS

Love this plugin, but the CSS on my page seems to fail CSS3 validity check as a result.

1  	 .dokuwiki div.wrap_round  	 Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist :  20px
1 	.dokuwiki div.wrap_round 	Property -webkit-border-radius doesn't exist : 20px
1 	.dokuwiki div.wrap_round 	Property -khtml-border-radius doesn't exist : 20px
1 	.dokuwiki span.wrap_round 	Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist : 2px
1 	.dokuwiki span.wrap_round 	Property -webkit-border-radius doesn't exist : 2px
1 	.dokuwiki span.wrap_round 	Property -khtml-border-radius doesn't exist : 2px 

I'm no CSS expert. Anybody have any suggestions? — michaelrepucci 2009/11/06 22:08

Actually, did some web searches and discovered that since these properties are proprietary, they're not considered part of “valid” CSS, even though they do follow standards. Oh well. When CSS3 is adopted, “border-radius” will replace the proprietary properties and validate. Until then, guess I'll live with it. I'll leave this note here for others who are curious like me. Anyway, nice to have rounded corners :) — michaelrepucci 2009/11/06 22:32

latitude / longitude

is there any way to skip the generation of the wrap_ “namespace” I'd like to use this for providing a (hidden) geotag on the page like this:

<WRAP hide geo geo-post>  
    <wrap latitude>52.085819</wrap><wrap longitude>5.115348</wrap>

right now that results in:

<div class="wrap_hide wrap_geo wrap_geo-post">  
    <span class="wrap_latitude">52.085819</span><span class="wrap_longitude">5.115348</span>

where I would want:

<div class="wrap_hide geo geo-post"> 
    <span class="latitude">52.085819</span><span class="longitude">5.115348</span>
I wouldn't want to skip the “wrap_” altogether. But it might be a good idea to add a config option for listing all class names which should not be adjusted but taken directly as specified. Then everybody is free to also add other microformat classes and more. I'll implement that as soon as I find the time. — Anika Henke 2010/01/07 01:52
I just implemented this (in the repo). A new release which includes it will follow soon. — Anika Henke 2010/01/31 15:36

missing paragraph break issue

                case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER:
                    $wrap = new syntax_plugin_wrap_base();
                    $attr = $wrap->buildAttributes($data);

                    $renderer->doc .= '<div'.$attr.'><p>';

The div version of the plugin merges the first two paragraphs into one. The workaround is to leave a line break immediately after the opening

tag. The above code modification will fix this issue. This issue (and fix) is also present in the box plugin.

As described under known restrictions you can circumvent this by writing one more line after <WRAP> (see the very first syntax example). You solution will not fix this problem but will only cause more invalid code in other cases! This whole issue is due to a bug in the DokuWiki core: See 1797. And it annoys me as well. ;-)Anika Henke 2010/01/15 09:43
This will be fixed in the next version (coming soon) if used with Anteater. — ach 2010/11/20 17:22


Are you planning support for regular dokuwiki headlines syntax? Plugin columns have it, so where is the problem? Thanks.

The columns plugin supports regular headlines, because it re-builds all headlines within its syntax completely from scratch. DokuWiki itself doesn't support headlines in any syntax and it's not possible to support them without such massive overhead. As the “emulated headlines” cover most desirable cases, I don't think I will implement anything which should rather be fixed in the DokuWiki core than patched in a plugin. — Anika Henke 2011/05/02 20:16
The latest version (2011-05-15) now has experimental support for regular headlines implemented. This is not an official feature yet, because there might be unforeseen problems (most likely with section editing). You are free to try it out and please report any problems back. — Anika Henke 2011/05/15 18:12

Emulated headlines with anchors

Is there a way to make the emulated headlines contain “a name=…” anchors, similar to how the regular headlines have such anchors?

No, this is currently not possible and is also not planned. As a work-around you can use the bookmark plugin. — Anika Henke 2010/01/31 15:34
I now implemented experimental support for regular headlines, so those will contain the anchors and will also be added to the TOC. — Anika Henke 2011/05/15 18:12


I've been using a few lines in conf/entities.conf and a template to easily make invisible tables with visible content. I use this to structure math proofs, so relevant parts of equations stay above each other. Is this something you could incorporate in your great plugin?

<bare> <html><div class="baretable"></html>
</bare> <html></div></html >
div.dokuwiki div.baretable th,
div.dokuwiki div.baretable td { border: 0px; }
It's quite easy to implement it yourself by adding your own class, with e.g.
div.dokuwiki div.wrap_baretable table,
div.dokuwiki div.wrap_baretable th,
div.dokuwiki div.wrap_baretable td { border: 0; }

you can use

<WRAP baretable>

Anika Henke 2011/05/02 20:48

Also check out the jsmath plugin.

Just appreciation

Anika, sorry for spamming, just wanted to show my appreciation for the work you've done. -Alex.

I second that! -Tina

Me too. Fantastic addition to Dokuwiki. -Brett

Hello Anika, I would like to thank you too for your wonderful work. I use all of your plugins a lot :-) -Hartmut.

Conflict with OpenLayersMap

I just fixed that issue in the repo. (But it's not always working in IE6.) The same issue would occur whenever you float something inside a box with a background colour (or a border), e.g. a right-aligned image in a <WRAP box>. If you don't want to install the adjusted plugin, you can also just put a <WRAP clear></WRAP> before the containing closing ”</WRAP>“, like
<WRAP clear></WRAP>

Anika Henke 2010/06/12 22:20

thats works


Hide (some of) the editor buttons?

I want to use several of the functions as the admin of my wiki (like columns), but I would like my users to only be able to insert the info/important boxes into the pages. Is it possible to hide the editor button, or to hide some of them? I wouldn't mind being able to hide all of the buttons and just telling my users what syntax to type in.

You cat manually edit action.php or simply delete it - all buttons described there. Malamut
To edit Textlabels of the editor buttons: /plugins/wrap/lang/en/lang.php

Why uppercase?

It's a great plugin, but why uppercase for WRAP? All other Doku syntax and plugins use lovercase or case insensitive. May be replace wrap with “textwrap” and WRAP with “boxwrap”? It's more clear, as I think. Malamut 09.10.2010

UPD: It will be really great if you add two options to plugin configuration: words for div's and span's. I prefer to use box and text for it and now I simply modify wrap plugin's source to implement it, but it's not a good solution.

I have modified WRAP for my use. Download here:

The initial reasoning was to make it similar to DokuWiki's core html and php embedding (<html|HTML> and <php|PHP>).
Adding anything to the configuration options is a bad idea, as it would make the syntax different in every installation and could potentially break many things (other plugins, for example). (Although it would be beneficial for internationalization.)
I updated the code to use <block> and <div> additionally to <WRAP> and <inline> and <span> additionally to <wrap>. (Using <box> would conflict with the box plugin which is quite popular.) It will be in the next release (coming soon). — ach 2010/11/20 17:03

Picker images

Some PNGs are not present in the picker. In folder images/note/16 “tb_” should be deleted in the filenames.

There are no and have never been any images with “tb_”. Could it be someone (e.g. from your team?) renamed them deliberately to remove them from the picker? — ach 2010/11/20 17:00

This plugin doesn't produce anything

:!: 20/01/2011 : This plugin doesn't produce anything, either on this page or on my installation with the very latest Dokuwiki version.

This plugin is not installed on, so wouldn't work on this page. Did you have a look at the FAQ on plugin problems?
Thanks for your answer. Well, I tried what's suggested over there, installing through the manager, various methods to force a page refresh, etc, still nogo. Not sure if there is a way to debug or log the failure ?
Hmm, this is weird, especially since the plugin is a really simple one. You could start by defining what “doesn't produce anything” means? E.g. if you write <WRAP tip>test</WRAP> what do you see?
a) ”<WRAP tip>test</WRAP>“
b) “test” (unstyled)
c) nothing at all
Don´t forget to set the class! In this case <WRAP **tip**>test</WRAP> — Peter
It worked when I deleted the contents of <dokuwiki>/data/cache/ ,I think it's the solution –Zhe

Shorter code for empty div?

It would be nice if there could be a shorter code for empty divs like <WRAP clear></WRAP> → <WRAP clear />

Good idea. But this has not a very high priority for me. If someone sends a patch, I will implement it. — Anika Henke 2011/05/02 20:50
To better keep track of things, I just added this request to the bugtracker. — Anika Henke 2011/05/29 13:44

CSS unwanted behaviour in IE

The following CSS statement leads to different behaviour between firefox and internet explorer:

/* tables in columns and boxes should span the whole width */
.dokuwiki .plugin_wrap table {
    width: 100%;

If you create boxes like this one:

<WRAP column>
^Column 1 Row 1 |Column 2 Row 1  | 
^Column 1 Row 2 |Column 2 Row 2  | 
^Column 1 Row 3 |Column 2 Row 3  | 
^Column 1 Row 4 |Column 2 Row 4  | 
^Column 1 Row 5 |Column 2 Row 5  | 

firefox will display a box as large as needed by the content of the box. Internet explorer (tested with version 7) displays a box with 100% page width.

IMHO table width: 100% is only needed if a fixed size is given. May a class wrap_fixsize should be added to wraps that include size information.

/* tables in columns and boxes should span the whole width */
.dokuwiki .plugin_wrap .wrap_fixsize table {
    width: 100%;

and modified helper.php

            //get width
            if (preg_match('/^\d*\.?\d+(%|px|em|ex|pt|pc|cm|mm|in)$/', $token)) {
                $attr['width'] = $token;
                $attr['class'] = (isset($attr['class']) ? $attr['class'].' ' : '')."wrap_fixsize";


I couldn't reproduce this in any IE (tested in IE9, IE8 and IE7). The width in IE7 is much bigger, but not 100% of the page. Maybe it depends on additional styling in your template? I would also only use <WRAP column> together with a width as it makes less sense to use it otherwise. — Anika Henke 2012/08/19 11:36

ID attribute

A quick modification to be able to add an ID to a box (I use it to make empty

that are processed by javascript).

In helpher.php#getAttributes

            //get id
            if (preg_match('/#([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/', $token)) {
                $attr['id'] = trim($token,'#');

In helper.php#buildAttributes

            if($attr['id']) $out .= ' id="'.hsc($attr['id']).'"';

And then you can use


Thanks for this. I just implemented it, so it will be part of the next release. — Anika Henke 2012/08/19 12:58

Just to let you know

Your's is ALWAYS the first plugin I install on a fresh DokuWiki system. Thank you SO MUCH Anika. This is a true jewel.


ODT Support?

This is a wonderful plugin. The icing on the cake would be ODT support. Is that a possible future enhancement or is it a bridge too far?

- Lar

Not working, default template in 2012-01-25 "Angua"

Great plug-in, but default template doesn't display it correctly. Was able to view via Safari on iPad, but not in OSX in any browser. Changed to “vector” template and all is well. -Bruce

I am not aware of any issues with the default template. This will most likely have been due to caching issues and was otherwise working fine. — Anika Henke 2012/08/19 12:17

Printing boxes and notes

Hi, is there any possibility to print out the boxes and notes including the icon, which is shown on the screen? I use the vector template. When I open the print preview in this template, everything is ok. When using the print preview of firefox or when printing, the icons are not printed out. - Juergen Schuemmer

This is basically not fixable. See my reply to this issue in the issue tracker for a more exhaustive explanation. — Anika Henke 2012/08/19 12:20

CSS tabs for the Wrap plugin

I've created a new style that converts a simple <ul> list into beautiful tabs. It works great. I use it all the time on my wiki so I decided to share it with you. It's designed to play nicely with the new DokuWiki template. Hope you'll like it :)
And thank you Anika for this wonderful plugin ! — Laynee 2012/05/07 17:48

The markup:

<WRAP tabs>
  * [[Features]]
  * [[Manual]]
  * [[Plugins]]
  * [[Template]]

The result:


First tab is a non existing link, second is the current page, third is an existing link and fourth is an existing link hovered.

The CSS:

Add it to your conf/userstyle.css.

/** New Tabs style for the Wrap Plugin
 * Original tabs code : Eric Meyer
 * Dokuwiki convertion : Laynee
.wrap_tabs .li {
.wrap_tabs ul {
padding: 3px 0;
margin-left: 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid __text_alt__;
font: bold 12px Verdana, sans-serif;
.wrap_tabs ul li {
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
display: inline;
.dokuwiki .wrap_tabs ul li a {
padding: 3px 0.5em;
margin-left: 3px;
border: 1px solid __text_alt__;
border-bottom: none;
background: __background_alt__;
text-decoration: none;
.dokuwiki .wrap_tabs ul a:link { color: __text__; }
.dokuwiki .wrap_tabs ul a:visited { color: __text__; }
.dokuwiki .wrap_tabs ul li a:hover {
color: black;
background: __background_neu__;
#dokuwiki__content .wrap_tabs ul li span.curid a {
background: __background__;
border-bottom: 1px solid __background__;
font-weight: bold;
I like them and actually planned to do something similar for a while. They will definitely go into the next release. I've also added this to the issue tracker as a reminder (see
conf/printstyle.css in Anteater
conf/rtlstyle.css in Anteater
conf/allstyle.css in Anteater
wiki/pluginsyntax/wrap.1357930533.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/28 22:28 (external edit)